Tenant Accreditation Scheme – another session 23rd May 2016
Next dates 2016:
The next tenants accreditation meetings will be on:
23rd May
13th June
27th June
11th July
25th July
They are all 10am – 12noon
St. Paul With All Saints Church, Magpie Hall Road,
Chatham, ME4 5NE
Tenant accreditation may be your answer.
Do you want to stand out from other tenants?
Do you want to secure a tenancy in a good property?
Do you want to know your rights as a tenant?
For more information :
- please speak to your housing options officer
- visit website of MedwayCouncil
- www.medway.gov.uk;
- email to housing@medway.gov.uk
- or call 01634 333600.
Training will cover the following elements:
Looking for a new property
Beginning of the tenancy and responsibilities when moving in
Tenant’s and landlord’s responsibilities
Budgeting principles, income and expenditure
End of the tenancy