
Medway Alcohol Availability and Impact Questionnaire – Add your voice


Medway Alcohol Availability and Impact Questionnaire

You are invited to submit your comments and observations with a view to support a process of updating, reviewing and amending licensing policy.

The impact of the number, type and density of licensed premises in an area can cause problems with noise, public nuisance, crime and disorder associated with licensed premises and their customers.

This is your opportunity to contribute your own experiences and local concerns regarding alcohol availability and its impacts in Medway.


Medway Council is the Licensing Authority under the Licensing Act 2003. The Council is responsible for granting licences in Medway in respect of:

1. The sale or supply of alcohol
2. Regulated entertainment
3. The provision of hot food and drink between 11pm and 5am

This includes pubs, bars, nightclubs, restaurants, off licences and takeaways.

The Act requires the council to carry out its various licensing functions to promote the four licensing objectives:

1. The prevention of crime and disorder
2. The prevention of public nuisance
3. Public Safety
4. The protection of children from harm

The Act further requires the Council to publish a ‘Statement of licensing policy’, that sets out the policies the Council will generally apply to promote the licensing objectives when making decisions on applications under the Act.

Please add your voice to the information available to the Council by completing the questionnaire here: